Every Odour Comes from Somewhere | Odour Removal Sydney

Sydney Forensic Cleaning uses odour-neutralising chemicals specially formulated chemicals designed to break down odours on a molecular level

Sprayed air freshener in hand on white shelves background

Every odour comes from somewhere. That may sound obvious, but it’s an essential truth when it comes to understanding odour and how to fight it. If your nose smells something, it’s detecting that something in the area is releasing odour particles into the air. It’s no coincidence that our bodies are evolved to have a strong reaction to the smells of nasty biohazards. For Sydney Forensic Cleaning, all this means that odours make detecting biohazards easier, but also make removing them significantly tougher.


Sydney Forensic Cleaning uses odour-neutralising chemicals specially formulated chemicals designed to break down odours on a molecular level

Sydney Forensic Cleaning uses odour-neutralising chemicals specially formulated chemicals designed to break down odours on a molecular level

Identify The Source

Every odour comes from somewhere. That can be fairly obvious or it can be very difficult. While people are very good at detecting odours, they’re not great at identifying them, especially the unfamiliar odours that would require a biohazard remediation expert. People also have trouble describing odours. One of the reason Sydney Forensic Cleaning offers free no-obligation quotes is that we need to see (and smell) the extent of the mess for ourselves, before we can evaluate it.


Eliminate The Source

Our main job there is to remove the hazard, and by doing so, we also eliminate most of the odour. When we start the odour removal process, it can actually temporarily make the odour much worse, since we’re disturbing the mess, getting it wet, sending odour causing particles airborne. But once we start bagging and removing impacted materials, the smell improves dramatically. If it doesn’t, we know we haven’t uncovered the full mess. Bio-waste, in particular fluids can seem through multiple layers of carpet, floor and subfloor.

In certain cases, we’ll get down to the bare concrete structure of the building. Concrete is porous, which means fluids can seep into it. We can’t cut away the concrete, so we flush it with disinfectant and an odour neutraliser. When that’s dry, we paint it using an odour-sealing primer, which puts a permanent barrier between the odour source and the rest of the property.


Clean And Deodorise The Area

If removing the source isn’t enough that tells us that the odour has set in deep. Over time, odour particles floating around the area become trapped, particularly in soft surfaces like clothing, books, and furniture.

To deal with this ‘leftover odour,’ Sydney Forensic Cleaning uses odour-neutralising chemicals specially formulated chemicals designed to break down odours on a molecular level. This is different from an air freshener, which just temporarily masks the bad odour by putting a nicer one on top. We have several different odour neutralisers that attack different types of odour molecules.

We can use a spray bottle and some odour neutraliser for spot cleaning, or, in more serious odour cases, we use a fogger to lay down a mist of chemical, which blankets every surface and seeps just as deep into those soft surfaces as the odours.

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